Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Cycles of Remorse

What are the limitations of our being? Does it not seem at times we fail not because we are incapable but simply because we choose not to reach beyond the boundaries we create for ourselves. Or even harsher, we let others set our path, becoming in essence a confirmation of their view of us in their world model. We say, in surrender: "This is who I am, this is who I must be".

We accept these borders and live into them as it is often is an easier road to success as defined by our peers and patronage than discovering new territories within. Our history, our demons of yesterday, lay claim to us and offer us respite from uncertainty by delivering behaviors we have followed in the past that have not produced success but rather relieved uncertainty. They provide comfort of course as this is familiar ground we have been over before and sinking into these actions, relishing these passions, allows us to turn off that insistent cry which is in essence the struggle for healing within our soul.

The myth is that this time it's different, this time I know what I'm getting into, while not realizing that what brought us here before was a flawed view of ourselves and feeding our weaknesses again is yet another attempt to assuage our fear of really seeing who we are. Oft times we fail to realize this but internally something sits uncomfortably and we view our actions, when we find a breathe of clarity, with a certain unease that remains intangible yet persistent.

We all have a light within us that shines forth. Some claim that light and recognize it as a beacon and gather others, acting as guides for them in some small way spreading love and joy in all their words. Others fear their light. They are cognizant of their capabilities but have a loathing within themselves of who they are. They use what gifts they have to collect around them those who would only confirm the shallow necessities of their limitations, to feed their hunger for self worth.

This is not to judge but merely to say - look within your nature, examine your actions. The mirror to your declarations of higher consciousness, to a more mindful presence, is the extent to which you are honest with yourself. Do you act simply because it feels good, damn what harm may come to others. Or even worse, carry disdain for those you perceive as weaker because they have not achieved some goal that your limited being chose for measurement. If you cannot even recognize these questions, shrug and say they never apply to me then you are indeed who I am talking to. Those who do not self examine continuously, strike with confidence but not concern, rely on aphorism when wisdom is required, these are often the most frightened of individuals. Their only recourse for respite is to accumulate followers in fashion and falsely believe the trumpets of acclaim that ring forth.

Love guides all warriors of Spirit. Not lust, not passion for recognition, not the security derived from positions of power. Love speaks simply in words of Truth. Love acts righteously without conscious thought. Love is. If all your deeds, all your being, does not first begin with Love then stop and find that small place within where Love exists and start again to build from there. This is the ground from which all true change comes from, the only soil capable of nurturing the roots we all need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This, especially the last paragraph, is so very beautiful.

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