Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happiness is...

A friend stopped me as I was coming out of yoga class this morning; gazing at my face she said, "boy, you look different. I don't know - you're brighter, you seem more buoyant." We hadn't seen each other in a while and she continued to remark that I was like night and day from only a couple of months ago. I wanted to tell her it was my new boxers - the ones with the puppies on them, only I was in yoga gear so it was obvious I wasn't wearing them. I just smiled, made some self-deprecating comment and went on my way. But I continued to think about what she said. It's so hard sometimes to notice ourselves and how we are changing as we appear to others even as we change internally.

Then it hit me as I was walking to work. I was smiling at people and gosh darn it, they were smiling back. I was happy. It's funny, I hadn't realized it until someone pointed it out but lately I've been very happy. Normally I'm in a pretty good mood but this was different, this was simply relaxed intent with internal sunshine just pouring out. As I paid more attention I could see how it was affecting the people around me, more laughter, more smiles, more ease in dealing with the trivial day to day things.

Where did this happiness come from, and how do I bottle it? There's got to be a market for this.

I've spent some time pondering and here are three key insights :

1. In a relationship, I'm the prize. My potential partner may see it the other way around which is great but if I don't get acknowledgment that I'm something special then I'm wasting my time. There are many out there who will value you to the degree that you're truly worth - go find those people and be with them. You will be happier.

2. Find a spiritual path. It may be nebulous and circuitous but as long as you accept that you are on a journey and the guiding light is your soul beaming out in search of something then all actions are indeed meaningful. This will make you happier.

3. Create, Create, Create. - did I say create? This is the fountainhead through which the universe flows. The act of creation is blessed. That we can bring together disparate parts from a field of our choice and contribute in a measure that reflects what our heart, our being is feeling is a miracle not to be denied. That this may inspire us and others reflects the only true communication between souls. Create art, create relationships, create progeny - into all pour your entire being with joy and fear and then stand back and let the world admire. This will bring you happiness.

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